Vaginal Rejuvenation

What is it?

This is a broad term used for vaginal corrective procedures. These can be done for cosmetic reasons or to solve problems after birth, age related looseness , dryness, lack of sensation, itching, soreness , sexual problems , lichen sclerosis, looseness of vagina and urinary incontinence . Mild degree of prolapse. These can effectively improve appearance and function of vagina and surrounding area.

Women may self conscious about intimate areas after natural birth, menopause which can have stretching of tissues and loss of muscle and skin tone and loss of collagen. These changes can impact sexual satisfaction.

Surgical treatments can be invasive / costly with long recovery time and high complication rates.

Whilst Energy based treatment
These Can be done as day case within 30-40 minutes with minimal discomfort and very short recovery time compared to surgical options. This leads to increased vascularisation, new collagen formation by remodeling of tissue by gentle heating. Thereby restores vaginal wall strength and elasticity.
This could be using laser device , HI FU or radio frequency (RF) waves.

At our clinic you will have full consultation with qualified gynaecologist and whatever is your personal requirement can then be delivered.

Who is suitable
We consider individuals who are
Not pregnant

1.Physically and psychologically fit
2.Bothered/worried by appearance and function of vagina
3.Have realistic expectations about the treatment

How is it done
Treatment is similar to internal vaginal ultrasound. A specially designed probe is inserted in vagina and probe is rotated 360degree to cover all vaginal walls.

Procedure takes about 30 min.
Procedure has minimal discomfort and minimal discharge and quick recovery.
Further information and Questions and Answers at Consultation .

Who is providing the treatment?

Dr. Pinki singh
GMC number 6084623
with special interest in Uro-gynaecology and aesthetic gynaecology.
Consultant in NHS since 2012

I am interested How to Book and Appointment :
Tel:+44(0)1213 555 999
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