PRP with Micro-needling Combined treatment
PRP is Platelet Rich Plasma. It is said that “Plasma is the medicine in you”…
Plasma has a lot of healing factors growth factors that make PRP very powerful in regeneration and rejuvernation.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is the concentrated, more potensed and prepared version of plasma for treatments.
Platelet Rich Plasma is used in many treatment options in various Medical and surgical specialities. Treating sports injuries, wounds treatements,
Dentistry, Orthopaedics, Plastic surgery, Hair transplantation and prevension of hair loss are some of them .
In aesthetic Medicine Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is used as combined treatments with laser and HIFU procedures to stimulate rejuvernation.
The most famouse is PRP face treatment it is also called Vampire Face-lift, Dracula face-lift, Blood facial, Blood stem cell treatment…
In this procedure blood is taken to a special 12ml tube (same like in a simple for blood test at Doctors) and prepared by centrifuging as per protocol.
PRP and red blood cells are clearly separated.
Plasma is then activated as per requirement to make PRP, PRF and injected to specific layers of skin where treatments are required with help of a micro-needling
device. Depths of injections can be so specific from 0.25 mm to 3.0 mm
In the past we used to inject with small gauge needles which make this procedure a somewhat painful one.
Micro-needling has not only made the procedure painless , but also stimulate collagen and elsastin synthesis.
Micro-needling is a treatment with it’s own strength. Therefore Activated Platelet Rich Plasma with Micro-needling is one of the natural , proven potential regenerative
treatments without significant adverse effects.
Now these two powerful procedures are combined as one treatment and is on a Great Offer as below to treat face and neck cheaper than a PRP hair treatment cost
Phone 01213555999 to book the natural effective procedure with a special offer…