MPM Aesthetic Medicals: Transform Your Look with Dermal Fillers

Welcome to MPM Aesthetic Medicals, your trusted provider of dermal fillers in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham UK. If you’re looking to enhance your natural beauty, we offer a range of dermal fillers
that can transform your look. Whether you’re looking to add volume to your lips, smooth out wrinkles, or restore lost volume to your face, sad eyes,sad mouth, suttle change of shape of nose , smoothen jaw line. We have a solution for you.
Transform Your Look with Dermal Fillers

Juvederm Before and After:

One of the most popular dermal fillers we offer is Juvederm. This FDA-approved filler is made of hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the body, and can help you achieve a more youthful, refreshed appearance.
Take a look at some of our Dermal filler before and after photos to see the stunning results we’ve achieved for our clients.

Facial Fillers Before and After:

At MPM Aesthetic Medicals, we offer a variety of facial fillers to address your specific concerns. Our experienced Doctors will work with you to determine the best filler for your needs, and provide you with stunning
facial filler before and after results.

Dermal Fillers Cost:

We understand that the cost of dermal fillers can be a concern for many people. At MPM Aesthetic Medicals, we offer competitive dermal fillers cost in Sutton that are affordable and accessible.
During your consultation, we’ll provide you with a clear breakdown of the dermal fillers cost, so you know exactly what to expect.

Harley Street Dermal Fillers:

If you’re looking for dermal fillers in Sutton, you don’t need to travel all the way to Harley Street. At MPM Aesthetic Medicals, we offer high-quality dermal fillers right here in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham.
Our team of expert Doctotors in Aesthetic Medicine are dedicated to providing you with the best possible care and results.

How to get a special discount:
MPM Aesthetic Medicals is affiliated to International College of Aesthetic Medicine (ICAM) that provide training in Aesthetic Medicine. You can become a Model and get tratments for a nominal fee.
Get a Smart Discount withSmart Coupons


Are you ready to transform your look with dermal fillers to “LooK BetteR ~ FeeL BetteR”…

Contact MPM Aesthetic Medicals today on +4401213555999 or email to learn more about our range of dermal fillers, dermal fillers cost, and to book an appointment.
We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic needs!
Below short video will give you more insight

Exploring the Various Options for Fat Reduction: Cryo Lipo vs Cavitation vs Lipo Therapy


Are you looking for a non-invasive way to reduce stubborn fat? If so, you may have heard of several popular treatments like Cryo lipo, Cavitation, and Lipo Therapy. These treatments can help you achieve a more toned and contoured

physique without the need for surgery. In this article, we will explore the differences between Cryo lipo, Cavitation, and Lipo Therapy, and help you decide which treatment is right for you.

Cryo Lipo vs Cavitation

Cryo Lipo Vs Cavitation:

Cryo lipo, also known as Fat Freezing, is a non-invasive procedure that uses cold temperatures to crystalize fat cells. It involves placing a device on the treatment area, which then freezes the fat cells. The frozen fat cells burst

and fat naturally eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. Broken down fat cells are replaced with collagen and elastin to tighten up the sagged skin. Cryo lipo may requires a few sessions, with each session

lasting around an hour. Should not be done on the same treatment area for six months.

Cavitation, on the other hand, is a treatment that uses ultrasonic waves to break down fat cells. It involves the use of a handheld device that emits ultrasonic waves, which penetrate the skin and target the fat cells.

Fat cells are broken down by occilation. The broken-down fat are then naturally eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. Broken down fat cells are replaced with collagen and elastin to tighten up the sagged skin.

Cavitation typically requires several sessions, with each session lasting around 30-45 minutes. Should not be done on the same treatment area for two weeks.

Lipo Therapy:

Lipo Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that involves injecting a solution into the treatment area to break down fat cells. The solution typically contains enzymes, amino acids, and vitamins that help to dissolve the fat cells.

Once the fat cells are broken down, they are naturally eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. Lipo Therapy typically requires several sessions, with each session lasting around 30-45 minutes.

Cost of Cool Sculpting and Cryo Lipo:

The cost of Cryo lipo can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the treatment area and the number of sessions required. In Sutton Birmingham, Cryo lipo can cost anywhere from £250 to £1,000 per session.

Cool Sculpting is a brand of Cryo lipo that uses a specific device to freeze fat cells. The cost of Cool Sculpting can also vary depending on the size of the treatment area and the number of sessions required. In Sutton Birmingham,

Cool Sculpting can cost anywhere from £600 to £2,500 per session.

MPM Clinic Sutton Coldfield run by highly qualified and experienced Doctors got a promotion for £99/= session per area  Click the link

Lipo Light Treatment:

Lipo Light is a non-invasive treatment that uses LED light to shrink fat cells. It involves placing pads on the treatment area, which emit LED light. The LED light penetrates the skin and targets the fat cells, causing them to shrink.

The shrunken fat cells are then naturally eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. Lipo Light typically requires several sessions, with each session lasting around 30-45 minutes.


When it comes to fat reduction, there are several non-invasive options available. Cryo lipo, Cavitation, Lipo Therapy, Lipo Light, HIFU ( High Intensed Focus Ultrasound), RF ( Radio frequancy), Vacccume Roller which help to treat

cellulite too are all effective treatments that can help you achieve a more toned and contoured physique.

The cost of these treatments can vary depending on several factors, so it’s essential to do your research and find a reputable clinic that offers reasonable pricing.

By understanding the differences between these treatments, you can make an informed decision and choose the option that’s right for you.

To know what treatment or combination of treatments best suit you in your specific condition need a qualified and experienced Aesthetic Medical Doctors to assess your condition going by your expectations.

MPM Clinics are a great option in West Midlands where you can call +4401213555999 or email

Topic suggestion for an aesthetic medical clinic in Sutton Birmingham:

“Cryo Lipo Cost and Pricing: What to Expect at Our Aesthetic Medical Clinic in Sutton Birmingham.” This article could discuss the cost of Cryo lipo at the clinic, as well as any package deals or discounts that may be available.

Non-surgical cosmetic procedures in Birmingham

Welcome to MPM Aesthetic Medicals, your go-to destination for non-surgical cosmetic procedures in Birmingham. Our team of experts is committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with minimal downtime and maximum results. This article will address common patient questions and concerns regarding non-surgical neck lifts, lower facelifts, and hip replacement surgeries.

non-surgical cosmetic

Cost of Non-Surgical Neck Lift and Lower Face Lift

Many people considering a neck lift or lower facelift are worried about the cost of surgery. Fortunately, non-surgical options like Botox and dermal fillers are available and can produce similar results without the cost and recovery time of surgery. Our team of experts will provide a personalized quote during your initial consultation to ensure your treatment plan is tailored to your unique needs.

Non-Surgical Options for Hip Pain

If you are experiencing hip pain, a variety of non-surgical options can provide relief. These include physical therapy, pain medications, and corticosteroid injections. Our experienced specialists will evaluate your symptoms and medical history to determine the best treatment for you.

In conclusion, we are committed to providing our patients with safe, effective, and non-surgical cosmetic procedures at MPM Aesthetic Medicals. Our team of experts will work with you to determine the best treatment plan for your needs and ensure you achieve desired results. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation and take the first step towards a more youthful, confident you!

Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation: Benefits and Considerations

Despite maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen, are you struggling to get rid of stubborn fat in certain areas of your body? If so, ultrasonic fat cavitation may be the solution you’re looking for. MPM Aesthetic Medicals in Birmingham offers this non-invasive treatment to help you achieve your body sculpting goals.

What is Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation?

It is a non-surgical body contouring treatment that uses high-frequency ultrasound waves to break down and dissolve unwanted fat cells. The ultrasound waves penetrate deep into the subcutaneous layer of the skin, where fat cells are located, and create tiny bubbles that cause the fat cells to rupture. The body then naturally eliminates the broken-down fat through the lymphatic system.

Benefits of Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation

There are several benefits to choosing this as your body sculpting treatment:

  1. Non-invasive: Unlike traditional liposuction, which involves surgical incisions and anesthesia, it is a non-invasive treatment that does not require downtime or recovery.
  2. Targeted fat reduction: It can be used to target specific areas of the body where stubborn fat tends to accumulate, such as the abdomen, thighs, and arms.
  3. Pain-free: The treatment is painless and requires no anesthesia or numbing agents.
  4. Safe and effective: Ultrasonic fat cavitation is a safe and effective alternative to invasive procedures, with no known long-term side effects.Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation

Considerations for Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation

While it is generally safe, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Results may vary: The effectiveness of the treatment can vary depending on the individual, their body type, and the amount of fat they want to reduce.
  2. Multiple sessions may be needed: Multiple sessions may be required to achieve optimal results.
  3. Healthy lifestyle: To maintain the treatment results, it’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise.
  4. Not suitable for everyone: It is not recommended for pregnant individuals with a pacemaker or certain medical conditions.

Suppose you’re interested in ultrasonic fat cavitation as a body sculpting treatment. In that case, the experts at MPM Aesthetic Medicals in Birmingham can help you determine the right option. With their state-of-the-art equipment and experienced staff, you can trust that you’ll receive the best possible care and results. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you achieve your body goals.


Slimming, dieting, fat reduction, liposuction, gastric balloon, gastric band to reduce weight, tummy-tuck are treatments what many people search for.
But not everyone need these as obesity is due to various reasons and are of various degree. Therefore fat reduction techniques must vary too.
There are Medical reasons such as hormonal and variety of other medical conditions leading to obesity that we will not discuss here.
For such medical conditions patients must go to a hospital and get appropriate specialized Medical treatments as obesity is only a part of the problem but the
entire complex condition must be treated and followed up at specialized departments.
Fat reduction procedures may employ mix and match of techniques as lost weight can be gained back. Each time one gains weight liposuction and tummy tuck cannot be
done as they are very invasive procedures that with need general anaesthesia.
Answer to that is provided in Aesthetic Medicine in “body sculpturing” techniques.
Cryo-lipo, cool-sculpturing, cool sculpting, fat freezing, lipo-therapy, cavitation, RF-fat reduction, HIFU-fat reduction, vacuum roller, shockwave body sculpturing, laser-lipo, fat jabs are treatments, terminologies that you may have heard. All these are repeatable , non invasive or minimally invasive fat reduction-body
sculpturing (body shaping) procedures.

It is important to highlight that aesthetic techniques are not for morbid obesity, but are used as maintaining body sculpture techniques.
For example: There are instances where for morbid obesity treated with gastric banding, lifestyle modification, fat reduction surgeries are done initially, then maintenance
and cellulite stretch marks treated with aesthetic techniques.
Unfortunately at most salons these procedures are provided by some medically untrained personals.
Their argument is that the machine does it all and a Doctor is not needed. Similarly in taking “Medicine” for “medical conditions” , Medicine does it all not the doctor,
but you do not go to a salon to get treated for medical problems.
It is a very good practice to get these treatments done via a qualified medical Doctor to prevent any adverse effects. Doctors got the education and training to pick and choose
mix and match what is best for you. There are Many Doctors run clinics where you can get treatments with confidence.
We have seen following offers of body sculpturing with FREE CONSULTATION that is a huge bonus.

There price list give regular prices but on and off got offers. You can phone them 01213555999
I found an offer here

Botox Sutton Coldfield

My journey looking for Best Botox

I recently moved to Sutton Coldfield and wanted to have some botox to get my forehead sorted. Was looking for botox Sutton Coldfield.
So many places came up. Then seached for “best botox in sutton coldfield” where I found more than previous seach. Every solon is in the best list.
I feel for botox Sutton Coldfield UK is a famouse place with many salons and clinics. I am not comfortable with a Salons as wanted to it to be a Doctor treating me with
botox injections in Sutton Coldfield or Birmingham.
Ultimately I found this clinic where I had treatments with a agreat offer. I phoned them and they directed me to the offer.

botox Sutton Coldfield

This was much different to my previous treatments as I was treated not only my Frawn lines and Crows feet. But bunny lines, Gummy smile too.
Doctor found my jaw was very tight and bulky with teeth grinding. I was offered botox for to my masseter that resolved my tight jaw teeth grinding and made my square type
face to a slight ovel or triangular shape I would say. that is very clever.
I understood that the clinic treat Hyperhydrosis ” excess sweating ” and Migraines too with Botox. I wanted my mothers turkey neck treated too with Botox.

There price list give regular prices but on and off got offers. You can phone them 01213555999
I found an offer here
I give you a nother tip, Doctors of this clinic train Doctors and Nurses for various procedures. If you want to become a model probably you will get these treatments for a very good offer.
Hope this article help you in your botox journey.

PRP with Micro-needling Combined treatment

PRP is Platelet Rich Plasma. It is said that “Plasma is the medicine in you”…
Plasma has a lot of healing factors growth factors that make PRP very powerful in regeneration and rejuvernation.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is the concentrated, more potensed and prepared version of plasma for treatments.
Platelet Rich Plasma is used in many treatment options in various Medical and surgical specialities. Treating sports injuries, wounds treatements,
Dentistry, Orthopaedics, Plastic surgery, Hair transplantation and prevension of hair loss are some of them .
In aesthetic Medicine Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is used as combined treatments with laser and HIFU procedures to stimulate rejuvernation.
The most famouse is PRP face treatment it is also called Vampire Face-lift, Dracula face-lift, Blood facial, Blood stem cell treatment…

In this procedure blood is taken to a special 12ml tube (same like in a simple for blood test at Doctors) and prepared by centrifuging as per protocol.
PRP and red blood cells are clearly separated.

Plasma is then activated as per requirement to make PRP, PRF and injected to specific layers of skin where treatments are required with help of a micro-needling
device. Depths of injections can be so specific from 0.25 mm to 3.0 mm

In the past we used to inject with small gauge needles which make this procedure a somewhat painful one.

Micro-needling has not only made the procedure painless , but also stimulate collagen and elsastin synthesis.

Micro-needling is a treatment with it’s own strength. Therefore Activated Platelet Rich Plasma with Micro-needling is one of the natural , proven potential regenerative
treatments without significant adverse effects.
Now these two powerful procedures are combined as one treatment and is on a Great Offer as below to treat face and neck cheaper than a PRP hair treatment cost
Phone 01213555999 to book the natural effective procedure with a special offer…


Non Surgical Face-Lift with Facial Rejuvenation procedure

With aging face loose its contours, volume ,tone ,tightness and freshness of skin. Most facelift procedures focus on facial contours and to restore some volume. But simultaneous skin rejuvenation is of paramount importance.

At MPM Clinics we have designed a complete package for Non Surgical Face-Lift with Facial Rejuvenation included in the procedure. We use a multifaceted approach customized to each patient.

Please book for a FREE CONSULTATION  to discuss further …

Our Limited time Special Offer as follows:

Non Surgical Face-Lift

Facial Volume Loss

Facial Volume Loss

How does volume loss contribute to ageing?

One of the key effects of ageing is that our faces lose volume. When we are young, our faces resemble a grape, full and voluminous, without any wrinkles. As we get older the volume in our face decreases and our faces resemble a sultana, the volume is lost and wrinkles and folds start to form. (more…)

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